Saturday, September 23, 2006

We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal to be the "BOSS OF BOSSES"!......

Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

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We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/4/2005 9:35:19 PM
to be the "BOSS OF BOSSES"!

Maybe we can agree on another choice or choices and inspire him or her to run for Nueces County Constitutional Judge!

Hell I would vote for Curmy over these guys!

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Author Replys
Posts: 112

Re: We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/4/2005 9:40:13 PM
wow, anyone but the current B/Sers... time for the whole city council to leave to!
Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

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fishon: I second the Motion!
10/4/2005 9:43:59 PM
the whole city council!

And the Nueces Judiciary as well!
Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

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Can the County Judge influence Education in South Texas?
10/5/2005 8:40:56 PM
The County Judge is the executive officer of Nueces County and acts as the chief administrator, presiding judge, and voting member of the Commissioners Court.

Nueces County Judge, Terry Shamsie, was elected in a County-wide election in November of 2002 to serve as presiding member of Commissioners Court for a four year term. Judge Shamsie graduated from St. Ambrose College (Iowa) with an accounting degree, and then graduated from South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas, where he was on the Law Review and received various American Jurisprudence awards for scholastic achievement. Being the only lawyer on Commissioners Court, he has been licensed to practice in all the courts of the State of Texas since 1988, and is licensed to practice in the United State District Court, Southern District of Texas.

Judge Shamsie has served as Assistant County Attorney, has volunteered considerably over the years and has been involved with the Mentor Program, Teen Court, National Hispanic Institute, Fighting to Rid Gangs in America, Compassionate Friends, Volunteer Lawyer Program/Women''s Shelter, Dawson Elementary PTA, and the Citizen''s Juvenile Advisory Board.

Judge Shamsie has been married to 28th District Court Judge, Nanette Hasette, since 1989. They have three children, Daniel (11), Katherine (9), and Rachel (6), all of which can (or in the progress) read, speak, and write in several languages. He is an avid distance runner � but admits, a lot slower than before.

Posts: 159

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Re: Can the County Judge influence Education in South Texas?
10/7/2005 5:41:18 AM
if they are educated on the ""BODY OF CHRIST"" watch why not the rest of ccisd?
Posts: 159

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Re: Can the County Judge influence Education in South Texas?
10/7/2005 5:41:53 AM
if they are educated on the ""BODY OF CHRIST"" watch why not the rest of ccisd?
Posts: 529

Re: We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/4/2005 9:42:28 PM
Shamsie took a real jab at Neal at his press conference when he said that Neal didn''t have a law degree and that would be lowering the standards for the office. He may have been attempting to joke but I don''t think Neal was laughing.

Anyway Jaime, Curmy will never leave K-town. It has a Walmart and that''s all he needs.
Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

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The Position does not require a Law Degree! Your are currently viewing this message
10/4/2005 9:50:43 PM
IMHO it would raise the standard!

Shamsie cannot even look me in the eye not to mention answer or return my phone calls!

I filed a motion that he ignored and now it is on the way to the 13th COA!

He also promised the girls who worked for him before he was elected County Judge he would take them with him and Walter Bryan would replace Laura Garza Jimenez while acting like he was her ally! Shamsie also witnessed the $100K deal between Rene Rodriguez and Capelo!
No Balls!
Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

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Shamsie just said He had the $1.2 million for De Lay....
10/4/2005 10:00:48 PM
Randy De Lay! I stand corrected. I thought Shamsie was against shelling out that kind of mula! He blames the loss of Naval Station Ingleside on not hiring Randy De Lay!
Posts: 23

Re: We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/4/2005 10:04:20 PM
Unless Shamsie gets a democrat opponent he will beat Neal and/or McComb again. JMHO
Posts: 714

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Re: We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/5/2005 12:17:06 AM
because shamsie fixed the budget woesand got them runnimg in theblack. that''s good.
giving himself aand city council a raise
that''s bad.
Neal. republican?
He is gona have to prove it to me.
He has pissed me off by creating parks and crap that the voters soundly rejected, but he does the end run around them.
You know, just like the mary rhodes pipeline was done.
Posts: 765

Re: Re: We need somebody other than Shamsie or Neal......
10/5/2005 6:30:05 AM
If Loyd Neal is a Republican,then I am ""The Pope"" and lago is ""The President"". :bugeye:

I will not vote for either of those two. I will stay home. Neal,IMHO,has put the city and citizens in ""Big Debt"".:mad: When the gringo looses power, and it will happen sooner or later, there will be crisis management at its best. The community will grasp at any dollar it can get to survive and ""The All Ameraca City"" will crumble as we know it today.

I have my doubts about Joe Mcomb getting elected without democrap support. I thought he was a shoe in last election,but dirty democrap politics prevented that from happening and it will happen again.

In my mind, I know that there is no real leader in the current contenders;we have only those that want to build monuments to themselves. The county pay raise for these people is a prime example that Mgmt thinks only of itself first and not ""The Little People"". Typical ""Me Firsters"".
Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 800

Click here to email Jaime Kenedeno

This is something we need to discuss ""Nicely"" as Hardcore said!
10/5/2005 7:50:54 AM
If you guys want to make a difference who would you pick to be the Nueces County Constitutional Judge if you could and why? Try to limit it to a person in Nueces. It doesnt matter; it can be your neighbor! Nominate some others for the Job! Is this the best South Texas has got for the JOB!! Is there anybody who will run a ""transparent operation""???? I dont know right now but we got a few others I will just throw some names in the Hat: IN no special order
Mc Comb , Robert Vargas, Carl Lewis, Randal Pret, MAYOR
Raymond E. Chapman
Henry Garrett
Rolando P. Garza
Ray Madrigal

Sherry Dunlap
Bill Kelly
Jason Luby, Jr.

Javier D. Colmenero
John Edward Marez

Jesse Noyola
E. �Emilio� Bolden, I

Joe Farah
Cliff Harris
Mark Scott

Robert C Cagle
Rex A. Kinnison
Milan G. Marinkovich


Abel Alonzo
George Jay Balli
Betty Black
Leo Botello
Brent Chesney
Melody Cooper
Evelyn �Eve� Coppola
Jerry Garcia
John B. Martinez
Gloria Perez

(City of Corpus Christi )

Joe Flores
Mikal Watts
Vance Owen
Mauricio Celos
Dan Alfaro
Angelica Hernandez
Manuel Banales
Fred Jimenez
John Hubert
Alfred Isassi
Daner Roberts
Edel Ruiseco
Roland Garza
Janice Stoner
Definitely NOT Judge Joe A Gonzalez (Judge JAG)?? Go figure!

That is only starters to add to? I will write about these and might like some you hate or visa versa! I am undecided and my pick might not even be listed at the moment! I know I left out some good choices! What about Randalprett? Transparency?? Like I said I will vote for Curmy first!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Kenedeno's Daily Kos Diaries

In Re: Texas Monthly's Article on Solomon P Ortiz Jr. & HD #33, Perhaps GOD intervened. Hotlist

Wed Aug 23, 2006 at 12:36:07 AM PDT

I tried to post my response article to Burka's initial article and it never showed up so I posted it again and it never showed up. I will post it here in it's entirety except there are more links at Texas State Representative House District 33: Solomon P. Ortiz Jr. Defeats Mikal Watts at his Own Game. Or Perhaps GOD intervened.

Solomon P. Ortiz Jr. Defeats Mikal Watts at his Own Game.

Burka: "When Corpus Christi state representative Vilma Luna decided to give up her legislative seat in July to take a lobbying job in Austin with Hillco Partners, the Democratic party had every reason to believe that the seat would remain in the party's column."

Put the pit bulls and the skunks back in the cage and check em for rabies. Hotlist

Sun Aug 20, 2006 at 06:58:41 PM PDT

The poles are put back in the rack until the next Judge or Democraddick relinquishes power after the critical date.

Now that Vilma Luna has climbed up the career ladder to the Hillco establishment.

Now that Joseph Barrientos' name and Mikal Watts' name, is being quoted by messengers like Mike Chavez & Connie Gutierrez, Kenneth Hawkins delivering letters, personal messages of influence, and predictions of marksman accuracy as to County Court at Law # 2 Docket. Who controls the continuing feed to WATTABURGER?

Mikal Watts "ABSORBS" Republican Opponent, David Jones... Hotlist

Wed Jun 14, 2006 at 11:45:23 PM PDT

making him "an offer he can't refuse"? Chisme has it that Judge Jim Klager's Republican opponent, David L. Jones, has dropped out of the race for County Court at Law No. 4. One source says Judge Klager has the letter to prove it and will show it to you, if you ask him.

Now WATT is next?

Transparent and Electronic Documentation.... Hotlist

Wed May 17, 2006 at 11:54:19 PM PDT

in Nueces County Courthouse!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mission: To establish standards and guidelines for the systematic implementation and integration...
Posted on May 18, 2006 at 00:30:24 AM by Jaime Kenedeno

of information technology into the trial and appellate courts in Texas.

To permit immediate access to appropriate court records, hearing scheduling, trial evidence and appellate review.
To make the Texas Judicial System more accessible to the public, lawyers and judges.



After this Morning ole Eric's gonna need to bring up his ratings. Here's a little help! Hotlist

Thu May 04, 2006 at 02:28:20 AM PDT

Foremost, it is my adversaries at EVW who chose to re-introduced this issue; as they are the ones who choose to transgress.

It is amazing you guys can even mention my name without rebuke.

And dont blame the Captain as he merily stated outwardly after several of the threadsters who really miss ME chose to speak of and about ME.

Cogently, the Captain addressed the Censorship with dignity, respect and eloquence

Rest your minds; if and when I enter, each entrance will be as myself.

Really now guys, CATO??..... you know better than that?

To enter and write other than myself ?

Now who is paranoid?

We (D1 &Myself) didn't turn off the cold water we just added ice to it.

We, El Defensor & Jaime Kenedeno put you guys (1440 KEYS) back on the map.

We didnt come in to "steal the thunder" from Bob Jones

Or EVW for that matter.

The "stealing of thunder" came when John Gifford "changed the format".

Now,..... there's loyalty for ya.


..... give me one good reason my Freedom of Speech was censored?

A Federal Element and the funnelling of money in Kenedy County. What is going on? Hotlist

Tue Mar 28, 2006 at 12:26:54 AM PDT

This case
is about lots of mula.

Article link updated I remember when they (KFATSO, Caller Times) were trying to say it was only worth 50 to 100 million? So much for credibility.

It is about a Federal Element and the funnelling of money.

Kenedy County is sparsely populated and our Elite visit with regularity.

Would it not be simple if not intuitive to associate this whole KFATSO thing (who by the way is commanded by a Pentagon Level Army General)......

The Armstrong family is closely connected to the Bilderbergers Power Elite. Hotlist

Sat Mar 18, 2006 at 09:51:06 PM PDT

Kingsville Economic Development is where there is a connection

Cisneros: I am watching! 4/22/2005 2:03:14 AM
King Ranch is only a name for a clandestine Elite group. Richard King was the King Ranch and then Henrietta. After that was an influx of Nazi war criminals secreted into America by way of South America; The Cleberg name becomes synonymous with the King Ranch. Cleberg or Kleberg? Either way it is a German sir name. Was the original Kleberg a Nazi? What was the grand plan for the King Ranch or was it for all of South Texas? Did the name Clement have anything to do with the Vatican or a Pope? History has portrayed the Scions of South Texas Ranching as honest heroes. How much farther from the truth could this history stray? This history is nothing more than a glorified folk tale! Richard King knew not loyalty to anyone. Not even his partners or his mentor Mifflin Kenedy.

Ask us? We know, "We're From Here"! Hotlist

Mon Feb 20, 2006 at 03:34:41 AM PDT

ARMSTRONG - In the brush country south of Sarita, a few miles east of U.S. Highway 77, sophistication and political power have mixed with the independence of Texas pioneers. Here, 6-foot-4-inch Tobin Armstrong, the descendant of a Texas Ranger and a Yale scholar, and the petite brunette, Anne Armstrong, former U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, hold court. Guests at the 50,000-acre ranch have included former president George Bush; his son and presidential candidate Gov. George W. Bush, the Rockefellers and Prince Charles.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006